Week beginning 17th January 2022

Week beginning 17th January 2022
Here are the subjects we will be covering in school this week in Year 1:
Monday 17th - Literacy, Maths, Reading, Phonics, RE
Tuesday 18th - Phonics, Computing, EWI, PE, Reading, Maths
Wednesday 19th - Phonics, Handwriting, EWI, PE, Music, Reading, Maths, History
Thursday 20th - Literacy, Maths, Reading, Phonics, Science
Friday 21st - Reading, Phonics, EWI, DT/Maths
Below are the resources we are able to save to support these subjects. If you are absent, please use the resources for the correct day. If no resource is saved (eg. PE, Music, Handwriting), please use resources elsewhere on this and other websites to support your learning.