RSE Curriculum

Teaching RSE in Key Stage 1


Year 1

Lesson 1 – My special people (Teach with Year 1 relationships block)

Teaching about happy healthy relationships with a focus on family, friends and people in their lives (e.g. Teachers).

NB – Special people make them feel safe and not uncomfortable. Advice on how to deal with this.


Lesson 2 – Human Life cycle (In the Year 1 Health and Wellbeing block)

Teaching about how people age and grow. The process from babies, to toddles, to children and then to adults (NOT puberty as this is covered in year 4 and 5).


Lesson 3 – Everybody’s body (In the Year 1 Health and Wellbeing block)

Teaching about and labelling body parts and private parts. Boys and girls have different bodies and we keep some parts private (NSPCC underwear rule).





Year 2

Lesson 1 – My special people (Teach with the Year 2 relationships block)

Teaching about happy healthy relationships to develop from Year 1. Looking at different types of family e.g. single parents, carers and same sex parents.


Lesson 2 – Human Life cycle (Teach with the Year 2 health and wellbeing block)

Teaching about how people age and grow to develop from Year 1. Focus on differing needs as we grow e.g. food, hygiene and emotions.


Lesson 3 – Everybody’s body (In the Year 2 health and wellbeing block)

Teaching about body parts and private parts to develop from Year 1. Introduce the scientific language penis and vagina (parental permission letters sent out before hand).




RSE – Glossary of Terms




Year Group

Special person/people

Important in their life.

Year 1/2


A close acquaintance.

Year 1/2


A blood relative or close person to the family unit.

Year 1/2


Displaying kindness and concern.

Year 1/2


Offering support to others.

Year 1/2


An expression of gratitude.

Year 1/2


Natural development to increase in size and features.

Year 1/2


To make or become different.

Year 1/2



Older person/


The different stages of a human life cycle/

Year 1/2


Free from outside control.

Year 1/2


A duty or control over something.

Year 1/2


Biological gender identity.

Year 1/2


The physical structure of an organism. (Bones/flesh/organs).

Year 1/2


A child leaving a females body.

Year 1/2

Private parts

A person’s genitals.

Year 1/2


A male organ made of spongy tissue between a boys legs.

Year 2 – optional!


An internal female organ between a girls legs.

Year 2 – optional!