Progress in KS1

Progress 2022

Due to the interruption of Covid it was not possible to provide data on the progress from the end of EYFS to the end of KS1, as this cohort did not attend the summer term in EYFS.


From our internal Data Tracking/assessment tool we were able to say:


Overall progress at end of KS1 was expected or better (RWM=overall average of 11 steps)


Reading = 43 children (71%) made progress that was expected or better, with 17 making accelerated progress (12+points)(28%), 26 expected progress (11 points progress)(43%), 12 slow progress (8+ points) (20%), 2 stuck (3%), 4 (7%) N/A (joined mid year)


Writing = 46 children (75%) made progress that was expected or better, with 13 making accelerated (21%), 33 expected (54%), 9 slow (15%), 2 stuck (3%), 4 (7%) N/A


Maths = 41 children (67%) made progress that was expected or better, with 16 making accelerated progress (26%), 25 expected (41%), 16 slow (26%), 4 (7%) N/A