Week beginning 22nd March 2021 - Sapphire class

Dear Parents and Carers,
I'm really sorry that we aren't all together in school for the final week of this most extraordinary term! I hope you will enjoy the resources that I've managed to get together.
I would love to see one of the recounts (either Tuesday-Wednesday's of Palm Sunday or Friday's review of the term) and Wednesday or Thursday's maths. I will try to look at anything else you send and to pick up emails too. Mrs Bacon and Mrs Patel will be phoning you and we will do some Zoom meetings later in the week.
Take care, have a great Easter and I'm looking forward to seeing you all in April!
Mrs Champion
Literacy resources 
Phonics resources
Maths resources (videos for Tuesday and Wednesday at the bottom)
Tuesday's maths video
Wednesday's maths video
Resources for Science, History and Art
Reading resources
Summary of Friday's activities and end of term message